Oil & Gas

Cypress Technologies services the oil and gas industry with the goal of making each customer more efficient and competitive. Whether you require rugged design and assembly to protect against harsh weather or environmental hurdles or explosion zoning, we can help.

Seismic Acquisition

Companies that need to protect valuable assets from destruction or total loss rely on Cypress. We have deep domain experience in protecting applications in off-shore vessels, extraction equipment or data centers from the harshest environments.


We understand the unique needs of drilling. Whether your application requires rugged design and assembly to protect against severe weather and punishing environments, or if explosion zoning is a challenge, Cypress Technologies has the time-tested, proven experience to help. If you’re looking for a specialty manufacture partner with profound knowledge of custom solutions, look no further than Cypress.

Well Logging

Because of our long-standing relationships and commitment to the industry, many of the top well logging service companies rely on Cypress to manufacturer their systems. Harsh weather environments, shake, and vibration challenges are just some of the reasons companies seek us out. Additionally, if you need obsolete components for supporting legacy systems, we are the trusted partner of choice.

Find out what Cypress Technologies can do to make your exploration safer and more effective. Contact us today.

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